Thursday 3 January 2019

Day 3: Genesis 3, Matthew 3, Joshua 3, Romans 3, Isaiah 3, Hebrews 3, Job 3, Psalm 3.

Genesis 3, in poignantly understated terms, recounts how those made in God's image fell into sin and out of the loving presence of God. The way back to him is barred by cherubim. The rest of the Old Testament maps out just how far humans have fallen.
This fallen world, ravaged by sin and its consequences, is so broken that sometimes even the righteous would prefer death to life (Job 3). Far more terrifying though than the consequences for the righteous of living in a fallen world is the judgement of God that hangs over the wicked (Isaiah 3).
But rather than Jesus identities with sinners who need to repent to such an extent that he even submits to John's baptism of repentance. (Matt 3) Being both fully God and fully faithful man he is able to be our apostle and high priest. (Hebrews 3) But the sacrifice he offers is himself: Just as the mercy seat upon the ark of the covenant (Joshua 3) depicted the cherubim that barred the way to God's presence in Eden, so Christ was that mercy seat: the place where he was pierced with he sword of God's wrath so that the way to God's presence might be once again opened to those who have faith in him. Then we are counted no longer guilty, but righteous. (Romans 3:20-26)
Thus, as believers in Christ, rather than being excluded from God's presence, we may know God as a shield around us, our glory, the One who lifts our heads. (Psalm 3) In the face of the great enemy, that great serpent, we can trust in the Lord Jesus, the offspring of Eve who, at the moment Satan struck him, crushed Satan's head (Genesis 3:15).

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Day 10 Genesis 10, Matthew 10, Joshua 10, Romans 10, Isaiah 10, Hebrews 10, Job 10, Psalm 10

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