Wednesday 2 January 2019

Day 2: Genesis 2, Matthew 2, Joshua 2, Romans 2, Isaiah 2, Hebrews 2, Job 2, Psalm 2.

What a contrast between the perfect world of Genesis 2, and the troubled life of Job in Job 2. Life, blessing, marital bliss turns to death, destruction, pain and marital disharmony. Why? Because that bliss, though it was in reality freedom, is seen by all who oppose the Lord and His anointed King as chains and fetters (Psalm 2).  Such a refusal to trust in God's goodness stores up God's judgement for us (Romans 2).
Yet, despite the inevitability of the coming judgement there is hope of mercy for those like Rahab who fear the Lord (Joshua 2) by taking refuge in the Son (Psalm 2). He became like us in every way, entering this world of  temptation (Hebrews 2) and, as the Nazarene, bearing our suffering (Matt 2) that we might stop trusting in mere mortals, and, through him, walk through this dark world in the light of the Lord (Isaiah 2).

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Day 10 Genesis 10, Matthew 10, Joshua 10, Romans 10, Isaiah 10, Hebrews 10, Job 10, Psalm 10

In our churches we often sing that the Lord is King. We echo David in proclaiming that He is "King for ever" (Psalm 10:16)  But wh...