Thursday 10 January 2019

Day 10 Genesis 10, Matthew 10, Joshua 10, Romans 10, Isaiah 10, Hebrews 10, Job 10, Psalm 10

In our churches we often sing that the Lord is King. We echo David in proclaiming that He is "King for ever" (Psalm 10:16)  But what do we mean by this - our notions of monarchy, certainly in the UK have been shaped by lives depicting one whose rule is only ceremonial: much pomp but little true power.

Genesis 10 reminds us that the LORD who will be the personal, covenant Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Israel is the Lord of all nations. He created them. He assigns them land, dynasties of rulers, life itself - the chapter ends reminding us that they live after the flood: because, though capable of destroying all life, he keeps his promise not to wipe it out: though that life is short. He lives for ever.

When this king himself comes among the nations in the person of Jesus, the most important thing in everyone's life is whether they acknowledge His rule. His rule is so extensive that the very hairs on each of our heads are numbered (Matthew 10:30) therefore we are not to be afraid of the rule of others: they may kill the body, but the Lord alone has power over life and death BEYOND death. (10:28 - See also Job 10)And as king he sends his Apostles to proclaim that rule (Matthew 10) and all his church to proclaim it to the very nations we found in Genesis 10 (Romans 10).

To anger this king is to face his judgement - even the nations can be unknowing agents of his wrath. (Isaiah 10). "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." But the one who chastises, and even exiles his people also gathers (Hebrews 10).

So: how do we distinguish between those who will receive from this eternal king the protection of the fatherless and oppressed as opposed to those who will perish (Psalm 10:16-18). It is those who, by faith call on the name of the Lord Jesus, trusting in his once for all sacrifice, and are saved. (Romans 10:9-13, Hebrews 10:10, 39)

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Day 10 Genesis 10, Matthew 10, Joshua 10, Romans 10, Isaiah 10, Hebrews 10, Job 10, Psalm 10

In our churches we often sing that the Lord is King. We echo David in proclaiming that He is "King for ever" (Psalm 10:16)  But wh...