Friday 4 January 2019

Day 4: Genesis 4, Matthew 4, Joshua 4, Romans 4, Isaiah 4, Hebrews 4, Job 4, Psalm 4.

Temptation is the only eternally destructive weapon that Satan wields against us. It brings sin crouching at our door and desires to master us. When succumbed to, it destroys relationships, families, cities, and whole cultures and leaves us under God's curse (Genesis 4). It is temptation that causes us to prefer our own ideas to God's revealed word, so, like Eliphaz we speak when we should remain silent (Job 4).
Christ, by contrast, was tempted beyond what we could possibly endure. Yet he preferred the word of God to physical pleasure and relief; he preferred trust in his Father to a public demonstration of his glory; he preferred worship of the Lord to all the power earthly kingdoms have to offer (Matthew 4). In sum, he was tempted in every way, yet was without sin (Hebrews 4). Only through faith in Christ's faithfulness can those who have succumbed to temptation be justified by faith, (Rom 4), escape destruction, have the filth of their sin removed and live in the loving presence of the Lord (Isaiah 4) in safety (Psalm 4).
We would do well to erect in our lives constant reminders of His faithfulness on our behalf (Josh 4).

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Day 10 Genesis 10, Matthew 10, Joshua 10, Romans 10, Isaiah 10, Hebrews 10, Job 10, Psalm 10

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